Authorized tour operators?

May 22nd, 2014

Should tour operators in Svalbard be required to employ authorized guides to operate in the archipelago – or should the tour operator itself be required to be authorized? The Department of Polar Affairs (Ministry of Justice and Public Safe…ty) has been assigned to research the questions and are in the process of finalizing a recommendation.

May 22 AECO, together with the Svalbard Tourism, met with the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Safety, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries – and the Governor of Svalbard, to discuss a draft proposal.

While authorizations might still not be required in the near future, tour operators might need to be prepared to further document qualifications to conduct tourism operations in Svalbard.

During the meeting, AECO invited to a sneak preview of AECO’s Animated visitor guidelines (film).

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