Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris donates in support of AECO’s Clean Seas Project

Arctic travelers are supporting environmental efforts in the Arctic in more than one way. Environmental issues are something that many visitors to the Arctic feel passionate about. On a cruise voyage to Franz Josef Land earlier this summer organized by Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris, passengers showed their engagement through both volunteering their time and donating money to support environmental efforts. During the cruise, passengers were invited to help clean up marine litter from the beaches of the Russian Arctic National Park. They were also given the chance to contribute to an onboard environmental fundraiser.

AECO is delighted to announce that Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris has decided to donate the proceeding of the fundraiser to AECO’s Clean Seas Project. The USD 1350 donation will support AECO’s efforts to combat marine litter in the Arctic through the UN-affilated Clean Seas Project. As part of these efforts, AECO will work to drastically cut back on single-use plastics on Arctic expedition cruise vessels, as well as enhance cruise passengers’ involvement in regular beach cleanups. AECO will also focus on educating passengers, staff and the public on what can be done to prevent marine plastic pollution. A big thank you to Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris and their passengers for their dedication to the Arctic environment!

Photo: Passengers cleaning beach litter in Ziegler Island in Franz Josef Land. Photo by Scott Davis.