Archive for «News»

“Expedition cruise ships can be a great resource”

August 9th, 2023

There were many discussions about sustainable cruise tourism during the trip along the west coast of Greenland. Photo: AECO What does expedition cruise tourism look like? AECO and Hurtigruten expeditions invited local and national Greenlandic stakeholders on a trip along the west coast. Focus was on better understanding about the industry and to open a […]

AECO strengthens relations with Iceland stakeholders

July 7th, 2023

Local value and growth management were the most important topics when AECO meet with local stakeholders on an expedition cruise around Iceland. Starting in Reykjavík, AECO visited nine different destinations during a weeklong stakeholder cruise in the beginning of June. The vessel stopped in Patreksfjörður, Akureyri and Grímsey, among other places, where local stakeholders were […]

Clean Up Iceland has started!

May 15th, 2023

The cleanup in Malmey in northern Iceland. Photo: Photo: Tim Hoffman and Laura Gledhill The first cleanup from AECO’s Clean Up Iceland project has been completed. On the premier, 80 people picked up rubbish on a shore on Malmey. After a pandemic pause, the Clean Up Iceland project has finally been launched and is now […]

AECO receives large grant from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund

April 26th, 2023

Melissa Nacke, AECO’s Head of Operations, manages the Climate Change project that just received NOK 600 000 from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund. Photo: AECO AECO’s Climate Change project received over half a million Norwegian crowns when Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund distributed their grants for this year.  The money will be used to support efforts to […]

A milestone for cruise tourism in Svalbard – all cruise operators met with local community and authorities

April 25th, 2023

Photo: Visit Svalbard There was an overwhelming interest in the digital pre-season meeting, arranged by Svalbard Cruise Forum, on Tuesday April 18. Representatives from all cruise operators, planning to operate in Svalbard in 2023, were among the 200 participants. Making sure that the upcoming season becomes a positive experience for both community and guests; that […]

Changing the perspective – from problem to resource

March 27th, 2023

“We want to ensure the safest possible cruise operations in the Arctic, and the best possible response if there is an incident.” This was the opening statement of the Joint Arctic Search and Rescue (SAR) event in Reykjanesbær this week. The topic was turning findings, from exercises and experiences, into action. Working together – industry, […]

Guidelines for a dynamic community

March 22nd, 2023

Photo: Ozzo What is OK and what should you avoid? AECO’s new Community Specific Guidelines gives the answers to tourists who visit Reykjanesbær. It’s the ninth community guideline for Iceland based on local involvement. – We are very happy about the collaboration with the local community. It is the foundation for successful visits for both […]

Can you leave a destination cleaner than when you came?

March 21st, 2023

Photo: Anne Øien/AECO Yes – without a doubt, is the unanimous reply following the Kickoff for the Clean Up Iceland project, a collaboration between AECO, The Blue Army, Gára and the Icelandic Coast Guard. – AECO’s members have done cleanups on Svalbard for over 20 years with great success. Starting with this kickoff, AECO expands the […]

Farþegar leiðangursskipa hreinsa strendur Íslands

March 9th, 2023

Photo: Violette Vauchelle Eftir áralanga reynslu af standhreinsunum á Svalbarða munu AECO, samtök leiðangursskipa á Norðurslóðum, nú hefja verkefnið Clean Up Iceland. Ásamt samstarfsaðilum verkefnisins; Gáru, Bláa Hernum og Landhelgisgæslu Íslands, verður farþegum frá leiðangursskipum gefinn kostur á að fara í land á tilteknum strandsvæðum og tína rusl. Drifkraftur verkefnisins er löngunin til að skilja […]

New Head of Operations

March 3rd, 2023

AECO has recruited a new Head of Operations. Melissa Nacke has worked at AECO since August 2019 as Environmental Specialist. In her new role she will focus on planning, distributing, and carrying out tasks related to field operations, environment, and maritime issues. This includes AECO’s databases and tools, the Clean Seas and Climate Change projects […]