Archive for «News»

AECO growth continues

July 9th, 2014

AECO welcomes three new members this week. The membership growth continues and AECO has had a more than 30% increase in number of members since the Annual meeting in October 2013.  Last week AECO also passed a new milestone as our first category B member entered the association. Category B members are conventional cruise operators […]

Clean Up Svalbard

July 7th, 2014

AECO would like to help the Arctic environment. Sea transported garbage is an increasing problem in the Arctic. Northbound sea currents are transporting an increased amount of garbage from all over the world to the pristine and vulnerable Arctic. Polluted beaches …in the Arctic is not a pretty sight, but what is worse is that […]

Canadian cruise requirements are out of control

July 4th, 2014

More than 35 different Canadian authorities require more than 50 different applications and permits from cruise operators before they are allowed to visit Arctic Canada. This keeps cruise operators, visitors and economic activities away from Canada. Cumbersome, expensive and problematic This week AECO (the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators) sent an open letter to […]

Delver Agents joins AECO

July 3rd, 2014

The owners of Sealand Ship Agents & Suppliers in Ushuaia have recently established Delver Agents in Seattle, USA. Sealand assists expedition cruise vessels in Antarctica. With the new Delver Agents in Seattle the plan is to offer services to their clients in the northern hemisphere. Many of the operators who are members of AECO operates […]

Seabourn joins AECO

June 27th, 2014

AECO welcomes Seabourn as new Provisional Member Seabourn pioneered small-ship, ultra luxury cruising 26 years ago. Its fleet of six intimate, all-suite ships, carries between 208 and 450 guests. On board, guests are served by a crew numbering nearly as many as the guests. Seabourn has planned Arctic cruises from 2016.


June 17th, 2014

When established in 1982, Grand Nord Grand Large (GNGL) was a pioneer travel agency in France, specialized  in extraordinary polar excursions. This includes cruises in the Antarctic on Russian scientific vintage vessels, kayaking excursions, and dog-sledding. Presently GNGL offers  cruises on old rigs, legendary yachts, icebreakers, and expeditions boats. Grand Nord Grand Large is Oceanwide Expeditions’ general sales […]

New Animated Guidelines

June 3rd, 2014

Visitors to the Arctic can learn about safe, environmentally friendly and considerate behavior in the Arctic through a new animation developed by the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO). The new 9-minute animation shows visitors what they can and cannot do when travelling in the Arctic in a down-to-earth and entertaining way. During the […]

Arctia joins AECO

May 28th, 2014

AECO has this week welcomed Arctia Shipping as new Affiliate member of AECO. Arctia Shipping is a Finnish company that carries over 100 years of icebreaking and ice management know-how. They own and operate the Finnish icebreaker fleet. Their multipurpose icebreakers are working in the Arctic waters to ensure safe operations in the offshore oil- and […]

Russian Arctic and AECO project-partners

May 22nd, 2014

The national park «Russian Arctic» (member of AECO), has initiated a project idea called “Art Expedition – Fine Art.”  AECO has joined as a partner in this project, which concept-note has been approved by Kolarctic. The Joint Managing Authority of Kolarctic has offered the possibility to get help to develop the project-idea. May 22, Alexander […]

Authorized tour operators?

May 22nd, 2014

Should tour operators in Svalbard be required to employ authorized guides to operate in the archipelago – or should the tour operator itself be required to be authorized? The Department of Polar Affairs (Ministry of Justice and Public Safe…ty) has been assigned to research the questions and are in the process of finalizing a recommendation. […]