Archive for «News»

AECO at SAR exercise

May 9th, 2014

AECO has this week presented at and participated in Arctic ZEPHYR – a multinational tabletop exercise for Arctic nations, focusing on Arctic Search and Rescue (SAR) command, control and coordination. The purpose of the exercise was to strengthen Arctic nation partnership by advancing mutual understanding for Arctic SAR capacities and by supporting information sharing. In […]

AECO at UK’s Embassy

April 11th, 2014

AECO was invited to give a presentation on Arctic cruise tourism and AECO’s work at United Kingdom’s Embassy in Oslo, yesterday. In addition to Ambassador Jane Owen, Consuls from different parts of Norway and Sweden were present. In a private meeting with Ambassador Owen following the presentation, opportunities and risks connected to the SAR availability […]

New regulations, Eastern Svalbard nature reserves

April 8th, 2014

The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment has made the final decision regarding new regulations in Eastern Svalbard nature reserves.  The amended protected area regulation enters into force May 1st 2014. The new regulations involve changes that may influence on cruise operations in the area.   Among the changes are: Zone A has been categorized as […]

Salén Ship Management new member of AECO

February 20th, 2014

Salén Ship Management has joined AECO as Affiliate member. From  Salén Ship Management’s web-site: “We are a ship management company based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Our mission is to manage small expedition and destination cruise ships at a four star plus standard. We strive to run a hands-on operation and our permanent staff include two master mariners […]

AECO speaks at The Economist’s Arctic Summit

February 12th, 2014

The Economist is organizing an Arctic Summit at the HAC in London, March 4th, 2014 and Frigg Jørgensen is one of the invited speakers. Frigg speaks under the heading “Cruise tourism in the High Arctic”. “Cruise tourism is one of the developing industries in the Arctic and is set to continue to increase as word […]

New biosecurity guidelines

January 14th, 2014

New guidelines minimize spread of non-native species Non-native species can spread to the Arctic through human activities. AECO –the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators – has published a new “biosecurity guideline” for visitors to the Arctic, which aims to minimize the risk of future travelers introducing non-native species. Seeds, insects, and microorganisms have always […]

Mandatory Vessel Tracking

December 13th, 2013

AECO has since 2013 encouraged members to install and use the “AECO Vessel Tracking”. From 2014 Vessel Tracking is a required for all SOLAS-vessels operated by AECO-members. Also non-SOLAS vessels are encouraged to use vessel tracking. The tracking system enables members to see the position of all members vessel at all times. It is considered […]

Amended guidelines

December 12th, 2013

Following decision made at AECO’s Annual meeting 2013, the associations operational guidelines have been amended. The amendment regards precautions in close vicinity to glacier fronts. The new text includes the following: Glaciers fronts may calve, causing flood waves and/or flying bits of ice. Keep your distance! Never approach closer than 200 meters from glacier fronts […]

AECO’s guidelines as animated film

November 22nd, 2013

AECO’s guidelines as animated film AECO has received NOK 650.000 – the equivalent of USD 106.000/80.000 EURO – from Svalbard Environmental Fund, to develop an animated film of “Guidelines for visitors to the Arctic”. AECO’s printed “Guidelines for visitors to the Arctic” has since they were first published in 2007, been an important tool for […]

AECO met with Arctic Command

November 7th, 2013

AECO – Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators – met with the commander and chief of Arctic Command last week. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss common interests and possible cooperation related to Arctic expedition cruise tourism. AECO represents the majority of the expedition cruise operators in the Arcticic. As a part of […]