Archive for «News»

AECO expands

November 7th, 2013

AECO expands AECO – Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators, has decided to include Arctic Canada and ”Russian Arctic” in the associations activities. AECO, which is an association for cruise operators in the Arctic, was established ten years ago by expedition cruise operators with voyages in Svalbard. In 2006 AECO expanded to Jan Mayen and […]

10 years of sustainable expedition cruises

November 7th, 2013

  Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) celebrates its 10 year anniversary in Oslo and the last decades focus on responsible, environmentally friendly and safe expedition cruise tourism in the Arctic.   AECO is an international organization for the expedition cruise industry, dedicated to manage responsible, environmentally friendly and safe tourism in the Arctic. […]

AECO meets Arctic Command

October 28th, 2013

On the first day of November AECO will meet with Arctic Command’s major-general Stig Østergaard Nielsen to discuss of the two parties can have mutual interest in a closer dialogue.  Arctic Command has been in charge of SAREX, the Search and rescue exercises that has been carried out on the east coast of Greenland the […]

Job opportunity in IAATO

September 11th, 2013

IAATO announces that they have opened the search for the approved position of a part-time Operations and Communications Assistant. They plan to close the search on October 4th and hope to have the new person start in the beginning of November. The position is posted on the IAATO Home Page    

AECO-meetings in Copenhagen

September 10th, 2013

Between Sept 10 and Sept 12 a number of meetings have been scheduled between Danish Maritime Authorities and AECO. AECO will also be meeting the newly appointed Danish Arctic Ambassador. All meetings will be related to framework for future  operations in Greenland waters.

New regulations in Greenland postponed

August 21st, 2013

It has been a hectic summer for AECO, CLIA Int. and CLIA Europe after the organizations where presented with the draft proposal for new shipping-regulations in Greenland. A comprehensive proposal introducing pilotage requirements, shipping lanes, ice classes and zoning of Greenland waters from 2014 already, would have closed the doors on most cruising in Greenland […]

Vessel tracking in the Arctic

July 3rd, 2013

As a step to increase ship safety in Arctic waters, cruise operators that are members of AECO  is introducing a satellite based vessel tracking scheme for vessels associated with the association. The scheme is called ”AECO Vessel Tracking System” AECO has decided to require members to participate in a vessel tracking system. This regards members […]

AECO EL-conference 2013

June 20th, 2013

AECO has received significant funding from Norwegian – Danish Fund and from NORA to organise an expedition leader and guide conference for AECO-members. The conference will find place at Schäffergården north of Copenhagen Oct 17 – 20, 2013 and more than 40 participants and almost 20 speakers are expected to participate. This is the second […]

New site – and wildlife guidelines

June 13th, 2013

With financial support from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund, AECO has developed 11 new site specific guidelines for Svalbard – and also a walrus guideline. We have added the new site guidelines and wildlife guidelines to our webpage. Site specific guidelines are considered important tools to manage visits on specific sites. The guidelines include general and historic […]

AECO continue to grow in members

April 23rd, 2013

During 2012 AECO welcomed eight new members. The growth continues in 2013 and three new members have already joined AECO.