Archive for «News»

Positive attitudes to tourism

March 3rd, 2023

Visit Greenland’s new survey, shows positive attitudes among the Greenlandic population towards cruise tourism.  After a couple of summers with COVID19 the season 2021 meant a lot of tourists, combined with routines that needed to be revised. This caused some mistakes and sometimes misunderstandings that AECO has been working hard on to minimize. The result […]

The Nalunaiqsijiit Cruise Training Initiative restarts

March 3rd, 2023

The first twelve trainees had their training in 2019. The aim is twelve new ones this spring. Photo: The Government of Nunavut After a pause due to COVID19 the Nalunaiqsijiit: Inuit Cruise Training Initiative starts again this spring. Nalunaiqsijiit means connectors, facilitators, or informers. The training program increases Inuit employment on board expedition cruise vessels […]

AECO’s respons to Svalbardpostens article “Swarms of high-speed Zodiacs”

March 1st, 2023

The use of words such as “swarms”, “hordes” and “cattle” to describe visitors to Svalbard is starting to look like a deliberate strategy to undermine the cruise industry, and to create and reinforce a negative attitude towards this group of tourists. Under the headline “Fearing swarms of high-speed Zodiacs”, Governor Lars Fause talks about emergency […]

Clean up Iceland this summer!

February 10th, 2023

Photo: Violette Vauchelle For expedition cruise passengers and guides who want to leave nature cleaner than they found it, Clean Up Iceland  is a great opportunity. The project was put on hold due to COVID-19 but will be revived this summer. Guides and passengers from expedition cruise vessels will be given the chance to land […]

Local cruise forum established in Svalbard

February 8th, 2023

– A collaborative forum for local stakeholders and the cruise industry is exactly what we need to ensure local value and “smooth sailing” in the summer season, says Frigg Jørgensen, Executive Director of AECO. Svalbard is an important destination for the expedition cruise industry. This offers economic and other values for Longyearbyen and adds to […]

Dos and Don’ts for tourists visiting Greenland

July 18th, 2022

Based on the success of previous local tourism guidelines, three Greenlandic communities are now launching new Community Specific Guidelines to greet visitors. The launch coincides with the re-opening of the cruise season in Greenland. A coffee break in Oqaatsut  – Photo: Visit Greenland In April, AECO helped facilitate three Community Specific Guideline Workshops in Disko […]

Summer cruise traffic on the agenda

June 10th, 2022

After two years of pandemic, and an almost full stop in cruise traffic, tourists are again arriving by sea to Adventfjorden. The Destination Management in Longyearbyen recently gathered to discuss cruise traffic this summer. “We see a different composition of the cruise segment than we have seen before. This summer there will be more expedition […]

Dos and Don’ts for tourists in Greenlandic communities

June 10th, 2022

Based on the success of previous local tourism guidelines, three Greenlandic communities are now launching new Community Specific Guidelines to greet visitors. The launch coincides with the re-opening of the cruise season in Greenland. A coffee break in Oqaatsut  – Photo: Visit Greenland In April, AECO helped facilitate three Community Specific Guideline Workshops in Disko […]

New Community Engagement Specialist joins the AECO team

May 6th, 2022

With ambitious projects on the horizon, the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators hires Gyða Guðmundsdóttir as Community Engagement Specialist with a special focus on Iceland. The Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators has hired Gyða Guðmundsdóttir as our new Community Engagement Specialist in AECO, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her focus will be on developing […]

AECO receives funding for two different projects

April 27th, 2022

AECO is thrilled to announce that we have received in total NOK 767 500 in external funding for two different projects. To continue our Clean Seas efforts, we have received a total of NOK 600,000, where NOK 300,000 was received from the Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund and NOK 300,000 was received from The Norwegian Center Against […]