Virtual conference: COVID-19 Impacts in the Arctic

On May 19 AECO’s Executive Director Frigg Jørgensen will join as a panelist in a session about Economies of the Arctic as part of a virtual conference organized and hosted by the US Naval War College, the Wilson Center’s Polar Institute, and the US Arctic Research Commission about the impacts of COVID-19 in the Arctic.

COVID-19 threatens the Arctic region with new challenges to human life, economic prosperity, and the fabric of communities. Ongoing climate and environmental change further compound the challenges facing Arctic communities.

Map: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.
Map credits: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland.

In light of these unprecedented, intersecting challenges, the US Naval War College, the Wilson Center’s Polar Institute, and the US Arctic Research Commission will co-host a virtual conference on the impacts of COVID-19 in the Arctic.

Over two days, May 19 and 20, the conference will feature a series of panels focusing on Arctic community health, economic activities, US Coast Guard Operations, scientific research, international impacts, and more. Speakers will include leading voices from Arctic communities, federal and state agencies, academia, international entities, and the private sector.

If you are interested in joining you can read more here and RSVP here.