Meet the Destinations and Market Place

The 2024 Meet the Destinations & Market Place event, held in Oslo on October 22, brought together Arctic expedition cruise operators, local businesses, and destination representatives – kicking off the annaul Arctic Expedition Cruise week.

The day focused on building partnerships and fostering mutual understanding, reinforcing AECO’s commitment to sustainable Arctic tourism.

The event showcased a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights, with representatives from across AECO’s operational regions presenting unique opportunities and challenges.

Sarah Woodall from Visit South Greenland introduced the audience to her region’s growing local offerings, including new ceramics businesses, UTV tours, and a wool studio, all set within South Greenland’s UNESCO Heritage Sites.

Mads-Daniel Skifte from the Municipality of Sermersooq discussed the logistical challenges posed by ice in Tasiilaq and upcoming infrastructure developments in Nuuk, including a harbor expansion and an extended airport runway. These upgrades are expected to enhance accessibility, highlighting the importance of AECO’s partnerships with local stakeholders to ensure smooth operations.

Representatives from Iceland, Svalbard, Nunavut, and Greenland also shared updates on regional tourism growth and legislative developments. The event highlighted the importance of maintaining the trust and mutually beneficial relationships that sustain AECO’s work across the Arctic.

In closing, Sebastian Charge, Operations Manager of Adventure Canada, expressed gratitude to the diverse group of attendees for their collaboration, emphasizing the event’s role in strengthening AECO’s ongoing commitment to responsible tourism.