Site Location: Kongsfjorden
An enterprising and charming Englishman created a lot of enthusiasm when he claimed to have found an entire island of marble. Money was quickly in place and industrial equipment bought and shipped to Blomstrandhalvøya. The marble was beautiful while left in the ground, but during transportation it crumbled to pieces. The pipe dream was demolished.
Fjortende Julibukta
Very few places near 79° North can offer more opulent vegetation than this very special site. Here you can enjoy the rich diversity and colors of Arctic vegetation and nice smells at close range. The bay close to the glacier offers one of the most beautiful beaches in the Arctic. The water temperature may not be impressive but the view is!
Weather information can make the difference of a battle lost or won. In World War II German generals realized the value of weather data in the North Atlantic and established weather stations in Svalbard from 1941. In the beautiful surroundings of Signehamna, men overwintered and sent daily weather data to the German military. In 1943, Norwegian forces bombed and burnt the Signehamna station.