Site Location: North-East Svalbard
Swedish scientists did more than contribute to the knowledge about the shape of the world. Piles of broken glass from hundreds of bottles are signs showing that harsh conditions and remoteness did not preclude enjoying good port wine.
Since time immemorial we have marked our presence. On a headland covered in gravel, several names of ships and men have been written with stones, all telling different stories.
Together with six other islands, Phippsøya is the northernmost group of islands in Svalbard. Nothing lies between here and the top of the world. Many have been attracted by this outpost and some have left signs of their visits with their names added to the map. The largest of the Seven Islands is named after Constantine John Phipps, Friedrich Martens and Sir William Parry. Isflakbukta is located on Phippsøya.
Nordre Russøya
This unique Russian Orthodox cross was erected to elicit protection from higher powers, to bring luck in trapping, to mark territories and graves and serve as navigational markers. These large wooden crosses were once raised in numerous places along the coasts of Svalbard, but today only the bases of the crosses remain. The exception are the two crosses still standing in Murchinsonfjorden, the one here at Nordre Russøya and one other at Krossøya.